Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Beaded Spiders

I've been trying some beading. They were a bit fiddly but I found that as long as I only sat and made them a little bit at a time I was able to manage without causing any major problems in my arms. I have some more butterflies and dragonflies which I want to make as well.

I tried a ladybird although it turned out looking more like a tick than a beetle - hehe.

1 comment:

Stella Ramona said...

These are just sparkling beauties!!! What a talent you have, Keryn!
I didn't pay attention, but what size are they? I would love to have a pair to hang on my "spider plant" here in my office window.

Do you want my address???

big hugs,
Stella Ramona

Hi to Everyone

Hi to Everyone, thanks for browsing my blog. These are just my ramblings about nothing & everything happening in our little bit of Australia.

This year I will be sharing with you my love of paper craft.