Monday, December 29, 2008

What a Wonderful Christmas

We had a terrific Christmas Day this year. The last two years we have had Christmas at home however my brother and sister-in-law put their hands up this year as they thought that hubby and I might need a break as it wasn't long after we had Dad's 80th party here. We went to Chrismas Eve carols service here in Caboolture and then drove the my brothers in Brisbane mid-morning on Christmas Day.

We had 19 there I think with our family and my sister-in-laws parents and brother. Everyone had bought something to share so we dined on fresh prawns, turkey, chicken and ham as well as some lovely salads. My little sister does the best mango, avocado & crushed pistashio nut salad and mum made her fantastic tossed salad which has so many ingredients it's almost a meal in itself and there was also an oriental salad made with chinese cabbage......yum. Plus my nephew made ravioli which was popular as well.

Then of course we followed that up with yummy deserts. Mum had made a trifle, there was a traditional plum pudding as well as an ice-cream pudding which my sister made and I did a sponge flan filled with mascapone and frozen berries.

We were very fortunate with the weather too as storms had been predicted and after the devastation to The Gap only 5 weeks beforehand we didn't want a repeat. The day was warm but not as hot as the week prior although the kids spent half the day in the pool.

My secret Santa spoilt me with a beautiful silver necklet and a diary. Hubby gave me a compact external hard drive which I can take with my laptop and our son bought me a lovely new pair of sunglasses.

Unfortunately though we forgot to get a family photo which was a shame as we usually manage a Christmas one.

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Hi to Everyone

Hi to Everyone, thanks for browsing my blog. These are just my ramblings about nothing & everything happening in our little bit of Australia.

This year I will be sharing with you my love of paper craft.