Friday, March 7, 2008

Feeling Wiped Out & Tired

Mmmmm - I really wonder sometimes - is it worth going away - even for a few days. The travelling & 'just being out' seem to take so much out of me. Have been totally wiped out the past couple of days........... just been spending quiet days at home but it seems to take me so long to get over going away. Really can't motivate myself to do anything or go anywhere. Oh well - might go outside in the yard for a while & talk to the dogs. It's an absolutely beautiful autumn day today - light breeze & only mid-20's - perfect for being outside. Lovely out walking this morning - so much wildlife around at the moment - saw quite a large mob of roos this morning. Lots of birds around too. The lorikeets were sitting on the feeder yelling because the seed had gone - they are getting so cheeky & the mickies also let me know when the bath is empty.

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Hi to Everyone, thanks for browsing my blog. These are just my ramblings about nothing & everything happening in our little bit of Australia.

This year I will be sharing with you my love of paper craft.