Friday, February 20, 2009

Weird Things

Mmmm - June from Cen's Loft has issued a challenge.

We are to write 6 weird things about ourselves. Well if you asked my family or friends they would probably say - ONLY 6 ??? - but I obviously don't think the things that I do are weird as I'm having a hard time thinking of that many - LoL.

Anyway - here goes .................

1. My linen cupboard is totally colour co-ordinated. You definitely can't have a blue towel with the pile of aubergine ones can you?

2. I just can't walk past a weed growing in a garden. Whether it's my garden, a friends or even in a park .. my fingers start to itch and I want to pull it out.

3. Even in the middle of summer I still have to have a light blanket over me when in bed - but the fan has to be on too.

4. I like cold toast. Hate it when toast is still warm and the butter soaks in and makes it soggy. To me, unless it's crisp & toasty then it's not toast.

5. I can muck out stables, clean goat sheds, collect the doggie droppings with no worries at all BUT don't ask me to change a baby's nappy.

6. Well don't know whether this is weird or not - doesn't everyone have to straighten photos and pictures which are hanging on the wall???

(Actually June - I must confess that I too love cheese on fruit loaf and I put my socks on before my jeans.)

I now challenge others to post about 6 of the weird things that they do.

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Hi to Everyone

Hi to Everyone, thanks for browsing my blog. These are just my ramblings about nothing & everything happening in our little bit of Australia.

This year I will be sharing with you my love of paper craft.