Sunday, April 6, 2008

Wonderful Friends

What wonderful friends I have. Had been having a lousy week - fed up with everything and then a friend rings to invite me out Saturday afternoon. Wasn't going to go originally as I didn't feel all that sociable but really enjoy Kay's company so accepted her offer. It was great to have a catch up over a cuppa & then wander around looking at some fabulous quilts. Quilting isn't something that I have ever thought of taking up but I can really appreciate the craftsmanship which goes into each item.

Then on Sunday I get a phone call from another friend wanting to show me her new house & to take me out in the car she'd just purchased. What a wonderful place she has bought - a lovely home set on 2 acres with lots of bush gardens as well as grassed areas, fruit trees, a dam, chicken pen, pool & water features. Then of course we had to detour for a coffee afterwards.

I am truly blessed with the wonderful support that I have - it's incredible how when I am having a bad day I will either have an uplifting email sent or receive a phone call.

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Hi to Everyone

Hi to Everyone, thanks for browsing my blog. These are just my ramblings about nothing & everything happening in our little bit of Australia.

This year I will be sharing with you my love of paper craft.