Can't focus on doing anything at the moment. Don't know whether it's because of the meds or the fact that when I go out or do too much at home I end up with a flare-up which is taking longer & longer to settle each time. Find it much easier to just stay at home & muddle through the day.
Thoughts are all over the place at the moment - have to make lists of EVERYTHING that needs to be done - even habitual jobs like feeding the fish & giving the dogs their morning treat. It's soooo frustrating. Even my typing looks as if an alien has stolen the keyboard, changed the letters around & given it back to me - have to proof read everything & then I still find weird words. I find I'm losing blocks of time during the day where I just go into another world & then wake up 15/20 mins later.
The neuropathic probs in my hands & arms flares up at the drop of a hat - don't know what to do about that as last time I gave up my craft & computer I totally fell apart. Just feeling nothing at the moment - hard to explain.
Probably take on too much in the way of craft but at least I feel a bit better when I seem to be achieving something & having deadlines to meet spurs me on even if it means I'm doing something last minute.
Mmmmm - what have I done since Easter - not a lot - psychologist, physio, remedial massage, pilates, doctor - a very varied social life I lead - lol.
Physio & psychologist both want me to look at planning a holiday at the end of this year but keep putting it off - really feel like it's too much bother & it takes too long for things to settle down when I get home. Had a massive flare-up after last years trip which took months to settle. Don't know whether it's worth it - then I get the guilts because I know hubby wants to go away. Will have to think about this a bit more.