Saturday, December 1, 2007

Our Old Dog

Feeling a bit down about our son's old dog. She's been having problems for a couple of years - a neurological problem where sometimes her brain & hind-legs get the signals mixed but a couple of weeks ago she had like an actual siezure where she fell over, went a bit stiff & started whimpering. Our son was with her at the time & I think it gave him a bit of a fright so he just patted & talked to her until she relaxed. Since then though she loses her balance easily & falls over getting off her bed or going up the front garden steps & is dragging her left hind leg a bit as we hear her toe-nail scraping on the ground. She is still her happy, tail waggy, smiley self though & doesn't appear to be in any pain. They are due for the yearly vet check-ups soon so I'll have him have a good look at her anyway.

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