Thursday, July 10, 2008

Not feeling the best

Haven't done any craft the past couple of weeks - the cold weather really doesn't agree with me & I've been stiff & sore all over plus just feeling so tired. Seem to have lost all motivation for doing anything or going anywhere.

Am finding though that my arms have been particularly irritated & am having to be careful as to how much I do on the computer. I have managed some graphics though - have done a couple of PI challenges & tutorials which are fun.

With this twisted tutorial we were given instructions to make the little sheep but then had to put our own slant on things. I think they are just so cute.

This challenge was to use plug-in filters to make a frame for around our photos. I love the misty one which was taken in our back paddock only a couple of weeks ago.
Another tutorial was learning to make frayed edges. I can see this coming in very useful for digital scrapping or for making tags.
This is a lacy flower which I did just for fun from another tutorial. This one was particularly fun to experiment with having so many patterns & colours to choose from.
Had more heavy rain early this week - over 2 inches again. We needed the rain again but I find the cold, wet days very depressing. However the last couple of days have been chilly with the south westerlies although the days themselves are beautiful. Clear blue skies & sunshine. Just need to find a spot in the sun out of the wind.

Today I am hoping to have a go at a layout and a pot which I need to finish decorating - will just see how things go.

1 comment:

Manon Keir said...

wow, gorgeous I'd love to learn how to make gorgeous things like you did, goergeous Keryn!!

Hi to Everyone

Hi to Everyone, thanks for browsing my blog. These are just my ramblings about nothing & everything happening in our little bit of Australia.

This year I will be sharing with you my love of paper craft.